"Last night, when we were laying in bed together, you asked me why you were loved. Why your lovers cherish you so deeply, even with the spectre of death hanging overhead. When searching for justification of that love, you viewed yourself through a lens of utility. Of mechanical worth. Of applicable skill. Without concrete reasurance, it feels as if it could all fall apart."

"and as someone who is falling hopelessly in love with you, I struggled to let you know why."

"I spoke of intangible feelings mostly. There's a saturation that you've brought to the colors of life that weren't there before. as a drifter within my own skull, you have been able to pull me back into my body and make me feel alive. Your devotion and resiliency is unmatched, which you've demonstrated to me repeatedly. if it wasn't for you, there would be parts of myself that I still wouldnt know how to accept. The act of meeting your gaze alone causes me to short circuit, but I don't know where to start when justifying my love."

"I'm not a writer, however I don't want to be caught off guard again. When you need the security that only a solid answer can provide, I want to be ready. So instead of writing a letter, I'm carving out a space in my website for you. where I can find the precise words that you'll need to hear."

There's no way to know how much time you have left. I hope that it'll be decades, but my trust in the American healthcare system is at an all time low. If your time is limited, I want to make the most of it with you. I love you, and I'm not going anywhere.

"Our minds work in similar ways. There's no internal monologue, or winding map to follow. It's just us in the moment, charting a path through every sentance that leaves our lips."

"It may be a sterotype for trans women to be good at ULTRAKILL, but I couldn't stop myself from swooning while watching you play. Until then, I never understood why [[GOAT]] admired my prowess in video games. In that moment though it all made sense. The tendons of your hands pulled like marionette strings, allowing the virtual chassis you controlled to dance across the battlefield."

"Gaming has been many things for me. It's been a hobby at times, with it occasionally acting as a distraction or vice. It's allowed me to stay connected with friends from across the globe, and I've embraced it as an art form to express myself in. But being good at videogames wasn't something to be proud of. It was just a skill that I passively aquired."

"So when you look around at those you love, I understand how it feels different from some of the skills they possess. It can't be used to DIY clothing, or create some grand gesture of love, but it is still worth celebrating. You've been guiding me through games that mean a great deal to you, and being under your wing while you show me an unfamiliar world has been wonderful. You're sharing a part of yourself with me while we play late into the night. Embers of the many hours you've spent in these worlds form constellations that tell your story."

"what is so endearing about hobbies is that they show that you put in the effort to improve at something you enjoy. Being capable, in a way that is undeniably you, is what I find so charming about you [[RABBIT]]. Whether if it's through your art or gaming prowess, I charish it."

"Not to make light of your health issues, but it's also really fuckin' funny that you need to drink Mountain Dew for your body to properly function. You truly are a gamer girl."